When to Replace Your Running Rigging
Many boat owners are reluctant to replace their running rigging, and for good reason, it can be expensive! But you know what is more expensive? Having to hire a rigger to climb your mast to run a new halyard after the old one breaks. So here are some tips and things to look for so that you can replace your running rigging before it breaks.
The number one destroyer of line is chafe. Chafe occurs when line rubs against a sharp or rough surface. Sometimes it can be very obvious, but other times it is not. The easiest way to prevent line from chafing all the way through is to simply look at your line. At least once a year, at the beginning or end of the sailing season, you should visually inspect all of your running rigging and look for signs of wear. Chafe usually happens gradually over long periods of time and it is only a serious problem when it goes unnoticed.
There is no hard and fast rule for “when” to replace your running rigging. If line is properly taken care of, it can last many decades. But a newly cracked sheave or an exposed cotter pin can quickly shred a line that otherwise would have lasted much longer. The only thing we can really do is regularly inspect lines to look for wear. And if you see evidence of wear, ask yourself (or your local rigger) “What could have caused this?” The cost of having a professional rigger inspect your running rigging can save you more money down the road.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your running rigging. And if your boat is in the the Seattle area, we’d love to come take a look at your running rigging!