Rates and Travel

We offer a competitive hourly rate for all of our services and give detailed estimates before we begin work. We do have a 1 hour minimum. After the first hour, time is billed to the nearest 15 minute increment. Our shop is located in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle and we offer a no-travel-charge service radius that includes Shilshole Bay Marina, Elliott Bay Marina, Lake Union, Portage Bay, Salmon Bay and the Ship Canal. Due to rising travel expenses, we are no longer traveling outside of Seattle. For potential customers outside of Seattle, we encourage you to bring your boat to us for service. We can work on your boat at the guest dock at Shilshole Bay Marina or Elliott Bay Marina. Call, email, or submit a work request form to find out what our current rates are.

One Rigger or Two?

Our labor rates are per rigger. Some rigging tasks can be performed by a single rigger while some require two pairs of skilled hands. Other times tasks just go quicker with two riggers. Some tasks like inspections can be performed by one or two riggers. An inspection that would take one rigger 2 hours to do alone can be completed in 1 hour by two riggers if one does the aloft inspection while the other does the deck level inspection. We try to be as fair as possible when invoicing jobs. If two riggers show up for a job but one ends up standing around for half of the time, we try to account for that in the invoice and not charge for time the additional rigger wasn’t actually working.